Earth Day

April 15: How To Give Back on Earth Day
Earth Day marks a very important anniversary: the birth of the modern environmental movement back in 1970. Today, Earth Day is celebrated around the world on April 22 in more than 193 countries. It’s a day to show support for environmental protection, bring awareness to environmentally friendly practices and show appreciation to our planet.
3 Ways You Can Empower Your Community to Take Action on Earth Day
Regardless of your age, gender identity, background, beliefs and experiences, you can make a profound impact on Earth Day. Here are three ways anyone can give back to mother earth on her special day.
Organize a trash pick-up in your community.
Collecting garbage is simple and easy. Have everyone bring a big garbage bag, wear brightly colored clothing (for safety on the road) and start ridding the earth from all the garbage you can find. You can make this event as big or small scale as you see fit. Maybe you join forces with schools in your community or go to your local town hall to reach a greater audience.
Hold a best green practices panel.
There are many ways a single person can positively impact the environment every day. For example, you can unplug kitchen appliances when you’re not using them, drink from reusable water bottles, say no to straws at restaurants, use paper instead of plastic bags, recycle, the list goes on and on. By holding a panel on all the ways an individual can decrease their carbon footprint, you will help inspire and educate your community.
Plant trees.
Did you know that each year, we cut down more than 7 billion trees? The earth is always in need of more trees. Earth Day is the perfect day to get a group of friends together and plant trees in your community. You can plant them in your own yard or in a community space. Planting a tree may seem like a small gesture, but trees last for hundreds of years, provide shelter to woodland animals, improve air quality and provide shade that helps keep homes cool (less air conditioning means less electricity). In other words, one tree alone can make a big difference in the world.
Earth Day is Every Day
At Billion Acts, we think Earth Day should technically be every day. Nevertheless, giving the environmental special attention one day every year is a powerful way to raise awareness around the importance of taking care of our planet. We hope you’re inspired to take action and make the world a cleaner and greener place.
Share Your Act of Peace With Us
We created Billion Acts of Peace to help log your contributions to creating a more peaceful world. If you have something special planned for Earth Day, share your story with us for a chance to be featured on our website. Your act of Peace may also qualify you as a finalist for our 2020 Hero Awards. This year, Hero Award winners will be presented at the annual Nobel Peace Summit in Mexico.
Happy Earth Day!