The Next “peace” of Our Story

Happy #PeaceDay change makers!

Throughout this week we’ll be making “a few” changes around on our website and I’m here to give a sneak peek into what’s to come.

When we sat down with Google a year ago to lay out our vision for the future of the One Billion Acts of Peace campaign, we decided that there was something missing in how the brand was communicating to our audience. It didn’t represent the audacity, tone, or scale of the campaign’s message. So, we decided to refresh the brand name, logo, and website.

We started with the name. We knew we wanted  “one billion acts of peace” to be core to our identity but at the same time we wanted a name that is memorable easy to say. So we landed on a short form of the full name – “Billion Acts”.  “One Billion Acts of Peace” will remain our official name, “Billion Acts” is just the convenient abbreviation that we will use with our refreshed logo.

We approached the logo with the goal of finding an icon that speaks to you, a global, and diverse audience, while also speaking to our unique mission. We were inspired by a powerful quote from the campaigns dear friend Desmond Tutu:

Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.

– Desmond Tutu


So we arrived at the “ripple heart,” it’s a representation of the power every individual has when their acts are part of a community. There are few symbols as powerful and universal as the heart, but when combined with the concept of a ripple we arrived at a symbol that is both iconic and personal.

When you hear the audacious One Billion Acts of Peace campaign referred to as “Billion Acts,” know that still it represents the same commitment to you and our world to deliver one billion acts of peace by 2019. That does not change.

With this new brand direction, we now have a strong identity that is built to evolve with us as we grow our community and our products. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon, including a new look and feel to our website. We are very excited about what the future holds, and we hope you enjoy it as it unfolds each day!

Happy International Day of Peace

#Peace #BillionActs #PeaceDay

Jay Castro

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