Educate, Inspire, Act Series

PeaceJam's founders, Dawn Engle and Ivan Suvanijeff "are convinced that average, ordinary people can tackle the toughest issues facing humanity."
Join us for this monthly series as we learn together and put that into action. We'll tackle PeaceJam's 10 Global Call to Action issues, with a new topic each month on the third Thursday from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST.
Hosted by PeaceJam Great Lakes, the series is aimed at high school and college-aged youth. It will provide information about each topic, lift up stories from Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, and allow you to engage with peers on PeaceJam's Global Action areas. You'll leave with a challenge to take some steps, both internally and externally, that will make changing the world feel achievable.
Last month, we learned about Conflict Resolution in our community, highlighted the stories from the Dalai Lama and Mairead Corrigan Maguire, heard from phenomenal guest speakers, and made a plan for action! Next up, we'll meet to discuss the work of 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kailash Satyarthi in an equally exciting session. We can't wait to see you there!
Full Schedule
19 NOV 2020: Conflict Resolution
17 DEC 2020: Investing in Human Security, Education, and Community
21 JAN 2021: Social Justice and Human Rights for All
18 FEB 2021: Ending Racism and Hate
18 MAR 2021: Advancing Women and Children, and their Role as Leaders
15 APR 2021: Protecting and Restoring Earth's Environment
17 JUN 2021: Equal Access to Clean Water and Other Natural Resources
15 JUL 2021: Global Health and Wellness
19 AUG 2021: Alleviating Extreme Poverty
16 SEP 2021: Non-Proliferation and Disarmament