Our Billion Acts Campaign is a Leading Contender for the Nobel Peace Prize!

The time has come to select a winner of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize and buzz is swirling in anticipation of tomorrow’s news. Since 1901, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the world, especially if this contribution involves promoting peace between nations. Martin Luther King Jr. won in 1964 for his civil rights campaign, Mother Theresa won in 1979 for her charity work around the world, and the Dalai Lama won in 1989 for his peaceful efforts to solve the Tibetan crisis.
As recently stated in the news seven former Nobel Peace Prize winners including Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1984), Rigoberta Menchu Tum (1992), President Oscar Arias (1987), Leymah Gbowee (2011), Adolfo Perez Esquivel (1980), Betty Williams (1976) and Jody Williams (1997) have nominated PeaceJam One Billion Acts of Peace campaign, and founders Dawn Engle and Ivan Suvanjieff for their contribution to peace. This is a major achievement and one that we are extremely proud of.
Tutu refers to PeaceJam in the article as, a more “audacious” candidate, according the Tutu: The US-based PeaceJam Foundation’s co-founders Dawn Engle and Ivan Suvanjieff, for their campaigns that have involved more than a million young people in 39 countries, creating projects designed to solve the most pressing problems in their own communities. PeaceJam has also carried out more than 200 Peace Congresses for Youth, where young leaders work alongside Peace Prize laureates, Tutu wrote, calling PeaceJam “one of the most transformational programs for young people that I have ever seen.”
Read more about the nominees and Tutu’s nomination letter in Views and News from Norway, and stay tuned for tomorrow’s announcement.