How to Bring CSR Into the Workplace: Celebrate International Day of Peace at Work!

A workplace that cares about the enviornment


A workplace that cares about the environment

On average, people will spend about 20-35 years of their life working. With nearly one-third of our lives spent in the workplace, we have the opportunity to channel some of this energy into something big.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is how companies work to make the world a better place – sometimes starting with their own management practices. Companies have many resources at their disposal to help the greater community. But giving back at work doesn’t have to require significant time, energy and funding. Big changes start with small steps. A more peaceful workplace, and world, begins with individual, dedicated efforts among employees and management.

And if you need additional motivation, investing efforts in CSR makes plain business sense. According to the Reputation Institute, 41% of how people feel about a company is based on their perceptions of corporate social responsibility.

During this upcoming International Day of Peace (September 21), be a peacemaker at work. Encourage people in your office to build CSR in your workplace. Here are four suggestions:

  1. Go Paperless For a Day

Declaring a “paperless” office for a day is a terrific way to support the environment. Banning any printing – that isn’t for clients – will not only reduce paper waste, but also will raise awareness of paper consumption. To further the positive environmental impact, your office might send around an informational email about best practices for printing and the typical office paper consumption. If any employees show extra interest, then a new Green Team might be born!

  1. Take a Pulse Check of your Workplace Ethics

The responsible management of business is also a key element of CSR. Practicing ethical behavior and exhibiting transparency in the workplace not only builds internal engagement and loyalty, but also promotes external trust and respect. An anonymous survey about managerial behavior can help assess the perceptions of current practices and alert leaders to any needed changes.

  1. Host a Mindfulness Session

Promoting a peaceful internal culture is the foundation for any organization looking to support external causes. Hosting a mindfulness session is one way to encourage well-being in the workplace and help employees rise to their full potential. Such a session will help nurture positive development and enable others to bring their best self to everyone around them.

  1. Donate Books to a Local Group

Hosting a book drive is another way to raise awareness about a valuable cause and drive employee interest in giving back. Ask employees to vote on a local organization – such as a library, school, or youth group – that will receive all books brought in from home. Choosing the beneficiary will help to involve participants and connect them to the cause. Besides supporting a valuable cause, developing an ethos of volunteerism will help workers to feel a deeper passion for the company mission and bring heightened engagement into their daily work.

What do you think? Any other ideas for brining CSR into the workplace?

Suzi Owens

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