A Life Transformed: My Journey with PeaceJam

When the powerless start to see that they can really make a difference, nothing can quench the fire." - Leymah Gbowee
As I reflect on my incredible journey with the PeaceJam Foundation, it is difficult to put into words the profound impact it has had on my life. From the moment I first became involved with PeaceJam at Dr. Michael Krop Senior High School, to my ongoing commitment as an ambassador and advocate, PeaceJam has shaped me into the person I am today. Its mission to empower youth and foster social change resonated with me deeply, and my experiences with PeaceJam have been nothing short of transformative.
My initial immersion into the world of PeaceJam began when I had the opportunity to attend the PeaceJam Southeast's conference in Tallahassee. It was there that I had the privilege of meeting Leymah Gbowee, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Her presence and her unwavering dedication to creating positive change left an indelible mark on my spirit. As a young black woman fighting for her beliefs, Leymah became a beacon of inspiration for me. I was captivated by her courage, strength, and unwavering commitment to peace. After Leymah's talk, I approached her with a burning question and even managed to capture the unforgettable moment with a selfie. Little did I know that this encounter would ignite a fire within me to become a peacemaker myself.
Saniorah taking a picture with Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee at her first PeaceJam conference.
Although I have graduated from high school, my connection with PeaceJam has only grown stronger over time. I actively sought ways to remain involved and contribute to the organization's mission. When the Point for Peace initiative was introduced, I eagerly embraced the alumni challenge. Drawing upon my personal PeaceJam story, I shared it with others, utilizing the power of storytelling to raise funds. The response was overwhelming, and through the collective efforts of the community, I successfully fundraised the highest amount. It was a testament to the profound impact PeaceJam had on my life, and I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey.
Allow me to share the story I expressed during the alumni challenge:
"My name is Saniorah, and PeaceJam changed my life! The experience I had at PeaceJam is unparalleled to any other in my life. It not only transformed the way I perceive the world, but more importantly, it shifted something within my spirit. PeaceJam revealed to me that I possessed the passion and power to change my world all along. It shattered the notion that I needed to wait until I grew older to make a difference. At PeaceJam, I cried tears of inspiration as fellow students shared their stories of overcoming adversity. I realized that I, too, could be an agent of change. PeaceJam ignited a flame within me for advocacy and ambassadorship, teaching me to be a global citizen by addressing world issues at a local level. I have since started outreach programs for girls at my local church and am actively working towards establishing a non-profit organization for literacy and tutoring in low-income communities, both locally and in my native country, Haiti. I firmly believe that change starts here, right where I am, with what I have."
Buoyed by the power of community, I raised over $2,000 in just two weeks and won the alumni challenge. This achievement granted me the incredible opportunity to travel as a PeaceJam ambassador to my first international conference in South Africa. Since then, my involvement with PeaceJam has taken various forms. I have contributed to the organization by writing blog posts, creating videos, managing social media, and interning for both PeaceJam Miami and PeaceJam HQ. I have served as a mentor, designed workshops, and hosted PeaceJam events. From supporting conferences in Ghana to working as a program assistant at HQ, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of PeaceJam across the globe.
Saniorah successfully raised over $2,000 USD in less than two weeks for the PeaceJam alumni challenge.
My commitment to PeaceJam has been acknowledged on several occasions, including being a special guest at the PeaceJam 20-year anniversary gala. As I stood on that stage, in front of PeaceJam's global community, I shared my heartfelt passion for social change. The overwhelming support and encouragement reaffirmed my belief in the power of youth to create a better world.
Looking ahead, my journey with PeaceJam continues to unfold. Currently, I serve as the ambassador and liaison for the Billion Acts campaign in support of the film "Shirin Ebadi: Until We Are Free." The possibilities for collaboration and impact are endless. I eagerly anticipate the future of PeaceJam, a future brimming with hope and the unwavering commitment to empowering young change-makers.
Saniorah serving as a mentor at a recent PeaceJam Ghana conference.
PeaceJam has been the catalyst for my personal growth and transformation. It has taught me that the power to effect change lies within each of us, waiting to be discovered and unleashed. My involvement with PeaceJam has fueled my passion for advocacy, empowered me to be a global citizen, and equipped me with the tools to create tangible social change. My gratitude for the impact PeaceJam has had on my life is immeasurable, and I am honored to continue serving this remarkable organization.
In conclusion, PeaceJam has colored my life with purpose and meaning. Through its mission, I have discovered the power of my own voice and the immense impact a collective effort can have on our world. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities PeaceJam has afforded me and the endless possibilities it continues to offer. As I reflect on my journey thus far, I am certain that the future of PeaceJam is brighter than ever. Together, as a global community of change-makers, we will continue to foster peace, inspire social change, and create a better world for all.
Saniorah and the late Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams.