10 Self Care Tips for Improved Mental Health

It’s Suicide Prevention Month, Here are 10 Self Care Tips for Improved Mental Health
Each year, almost 800,000 people die at their own hands. For every adult who dies by suicide, at least 20 more attempted it. Western countries have higher suicide rates than the global average. In 2016, white males accounted for 7 out of every 10 suicides. It’s no secret that suicide is an increasing epidemic.
Suicide prevention and awareness are two keys to preventing people of all ages from taking their own life. That’s why we put together 10 things you can do to check in with yourself, care for your mind and body, and stay on your path to living your best life.
- First things first, if you ever start having suicidal thoughts, tell someone. Tell someone you trust. They will want to know because they want to help you.
- If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone you know, you can call the national suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255. Someone will answer at any hour of the day or night.
- Find a creative outlet where you can express yourself. Sometimes life can get hard, and when it does, our minds can start feeling heavy with negative thoughts. Finding a way to work through your emotions and feelings is the best way to check in with yourself. Keeping everything you think inside your head can feel overwhelming. Simply expressing yourself in a creative way can help relieve pressure. Try writing a song, drawing, singing, dancing or writing a story.
- Give yourself positive pep talks. Sometimes you have to be your own best friend. If you feel dark thoughts creeping in, ward them off with your own positivity and strength!
- Make sure you have time to rest every day. Youthful minds need time to rest and develop. But young people are often under immense pressure to perform in social settings, schools, and sports. If you begin to feel like you’re doing too much it’s okay to slow down.
- If you feel depressed, seek professional help. Humans are here on earth to help each other. Asking for help is one of the biggest signs of strength. Depression is often a side effect of tough times in life. It can also be a chemical imbalance in your brain. Either way, the help you may need does exist and it exists for you!
- Eat well and exercise as often as you can. The foods you eat influence your brain, as does moving your body.
- Remember that you are never alone in your experience or struggles. Our minds are good at tricking us into thinking we are the only ones in the world going through what we’re going through. But you’re never alone.
- Remember that people want to help you. They genuinely do. If you think about it, it feels good to feel needed and like you can help someone. So if you ever need help when it comes to your mental health, apply that same thinking. You will be giving someone the gift of helping you when you need it.
- Be patient with yourself. Improving your mental health is a practice that takes time. Consistency is key.
We hope this list of 10 ways to improve your mental health with regards to suicide prevention sparked something inside you.
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