Nuclear Prayer Day 2024 Acts of Peace

  Louisburg NC  US
    Jun. 01, 2024
Add Your Act of Peace   Nominate   for a Billion Acts Award

Remember your humanity and forget the rest.

Sir Joseph Rotblat

Find Your Inner Laureate

Goal: 5 of 108 Acts of Peace

  • Acts Completed 0

  • Number of participants 0

About this Campaign

You and your prayers are blessings towards Nuclear Prayer Day 2024.

Contribute your acts of peace in several ways:

  • Commit to pray however you choose on August 6th—the anniversary of the day of atomic impact on Hiroshima.

  • Organize a prayer event at a church, temple or gathering before, on or after August 6th presencing the Nuclear Prayer (below), or however you choose to pray.

  • Join us on August 6th in our Zoom room at Noon Eastern. Register your act here (and the name of your participating community or organization) join our event through

    The Nuclear Prayer

"The magnitude of death and destruction of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 made clear that nuclear weapons must never be used again. Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons (a part of the United Religions Initiative) invites all individuals of good will and all organizations of concern to draw strength from each one’s deepest convictions and longings for a better future on Nuclear Prayer Day, August 6. A world united in moments of silence, in words spoken from the heart, and in a sure vision of a world beyond nuclear weapons – such moments will anchor and sustain our commitment as we work together to bring an end to the nuclear threat."

For more information contact Reverend Becky Suzik