World Water Day

  Mar. 22, 2020
Add Your Act of Peace

More courage is required to forgive than is required to take up arms.

José Ramos-Horta

Find Your Inner Laureate

About this Campaign

What is World Water Day?

Sustainable Development Goal 6 is crystal clear: water for all by 2030. By definition, this means leaving no one behind. But today, billions of people are still living without safe water – their households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories struggling to survive and thrive.

Marginalized groups – women, children, refugees, indigenous peoples, disabled people and many others – are often overlooked, and sometimes face discrimination, as they try to access and manage the safe water they need.

This World Water Day, 22nd March, is about tackling the water crisis by addressing the reasons why so many people are being left behind.


Engage your friends and contacts with information and stories about the reality of the water crisis and how it affects every aspect of society.

Use these resources to start a conversation and inspire action: