Rx Factor

  Jan. 08, 2018
Add Your Act of Peace

Remember your humanity and forget the rest.

Sir Joseph Rotblat

Find Your Inner Laureate

About this Campaign

The Rx Factor is “The healthy competition where everyBODY wins”. This competition is a tobacco prevention, education and cessation related competition. The Rx Factor has fun, exciting, and innovative ways to have students engaged in activities that express their passion and talents and give students the ability to become productive members of society by keeping them tobacco free, allow them to express their positive abilities in life, and channel their passions while participating in all areas of this competition. 

Each team will work together to create a series of Tobacco Free Bop and music mash-up videos and create multiple Acts of Peace in their community focusing on Health and Wellness.

From March 21 2018 ‘Kick Butts Day’ through May 31 2018 ‘World No Tobacco Day,’ there will be scheduled events with the winners of the RX Factor competition.

Find your team ribbon below, click on it and share how you participated in the contest.