To say that on a daily basis you can make a difference, well, you can. One act of kindness a day can do it.
Betty Williams
Find Your Inner LaureateBlack History Month Magazine is the central point of focus and lead the nationwide celebration of Black History, Arts and Culture throughout the UK in 2019.
This year we will be celebrating the many inspiring women since the Windrush whose commitment to society and future generations has proved invaluable to the UK.
We’re inspired by bold women every day: the women in our families, on our team and in our circles of friends; the women in our history books and those in the news; the women of our past and the women of now; and the inspiring women who’ve paved the way for future generations.
We will be joined by respected journalists and commentators; scholars and historians; community leaders and artists; who
discuss, debate and remember those who have made a real impact on our community over the last 32 years in the story
of our history in the arts and Culture.
You can find a Black History Month Resource pack, here:
The Black History Month website:
Has articles, events and information all related to Black History Month,
You can find ideas and resources here to set up your own events and projects.
Remember to log them onto this campaign!