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PeaceJam Sibelius High School Club 

Members 1 

Associated WithPeaceJam South Africa
South Africa, Western Cape , Cape Town




About Us

As a team our mission is to make a difference in our communities,by showing love,restoring hope and spreading kindness.Through this act of kindness we aim to make our school proud and make ourselves proud by being great leaders.Helping those in need is a good deed, being there for those that fre lost and that has no hope.We aim to put smiles on faces whose circumstances does not allow them to smile, to show that good people do exist.As a team we work together to change lives in our communities and better the future of next generation, making those less fortunate feel like they have someone to turn to, changing their perspective on how daily life treats them.As great leaders we would love to support them through the difficulties where we can also motivate them to overcome extreme challenges.