This project is a social media web application for refugees called WorldCom because it means"world communication". Refugee youth are spread all over the world and isolated in camps. They do not always have a way to communicate with eachother or have a platform to share their experiences and feel connected and supported by eachother. We want to feel useful in the world. Young people can make changes and make it a better world for all humans to have a better life. My vision for WorldCom is for refugee youth, especially unaccompanied minors such as myself who have been displaced by war and misery, to be encouraged to study and teach others, to create ideas together so that one day when they can leave the camps they can make a living and do good in the world. I will be teaching coding to young people that want to learn. Others that join can teach what they know. I will be working with PeaceJam Greece to develop my project further. --Murtaza Hassani, age 17