Welcome to day #7 of the 2023 Billion Acts Earth Day Countdown! You can visit the main campaign page here! Let us know how you joined today's call-to-action by clicking on "Share and Earn Peace Points" on the right side of the screen. We also welcome you to add your own Earth month events and calls-to-action to the campaign page as well. We're on a mission to reach 1,000 acts by April 22nd!
You can also follow along with our campaign on our Facebook group. We will be reaching out each day with messages from our incredible Nobel Peace Laureates and youth-leaders working to build a healthier environment for us all.
Plastics are quite literally all around us. In fact, over 300 million tonnes of plastic is produced each year according to the UN Environment Programme. That is the equivalent to the weight of the entire current human population! To make matters worse, only a small percentage of plastic is recycled and remade into new products. The majority of plastic ends up in landfills and waterways - which then travel into the oceans. Within waterways and communities, plastics threaten the health of people, wildlife, and ecosystems. The time necessary for traditional plastic to decompose ranges from 20 to 500 years.
Around the world, groups are working to tackle this crisis through innovative alternatives, and advocacy. Tech. groups such as 2020 Billion Acts Awardee Genecis is hard at work converting food waste destined for the landfill into new forms of biodegradable packaging. Above, you heard from Madhvi Chittoor, a rising start within the environmental movement who has led several successful campaigns around plastic pollution. Her campaigns in Colorado schools have led to policies in over 155 schools that save over 7.6 million Styrofoam containers from landfills each year! Madhvi has also helped introduce several environmental bills to the Colorado Senate & has made proposals on global plastic policy strategy with US Vice President Kamala Harris. At the age of 6, Madhvi Chittoor founded Madhvi4EcoEthics to raise awareness against Plastic and Styrofoam Pollution, and Climate Change.
Have you heard of plogging? You can get some exercise & clean your community at the same Time! Do you love to run or walk? Combine your cardio routine with some activism by picking-up litter along the way (plogging)! Plogging started in Sweden as both an environmental and exercise movement in 2016. It involves jogging (often with an organized group) while picking up litter. An increased awareness of plastic pollution has inspired an estimated 2,000,000 people to plog daily in over 100 countries! Give it a try today.
Make a lifestyle pledge with Madhvi to reduce your plastic consumption.
Learn about Madhvi’s Global Plastic Policy (there are over 30,000 pledges so far!)
Focus Areas:
We cannot sow seeds with clenched fists. To sow we must open our hands.
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