About this Act
Amirhossein M. is a 14 year old boy from Afghanistan who has lived in 2 refugee camps in Greece for the last 5 years. He learned English and coding from lessons he took at the camp. When the covid-19 pandemic started, refugee people worried because they did not understand what was happening. Thousands of people from many parts of the world who speak many languages live very close together in crowded camps. Amir decided to do something about it. He put posters around the camp with his brother to inform people they must wear masks and wash hands frequently and keep a distance from one another. Using his coding skills, he started to develop a website for refugee people to give them information about covid and how to protect themselves and what is happening around the world. When his computer class finished and he did not have access to a computer and steady internet, college mentors from PeaceJam Greece who are studying IT then joined him to help take Amir's project further with a laptop, real domain name, website platform, internet, and cell phone to take pictures at the camps. A high school peacejam student helped correct the English. Now the website is running and the team is working on translating it to French, Arabic and Farsi. There are 16,900 clicks on the site already! Amirhossein's goal is to provide information to refugees, not only in Greece, but to other parts of the world as well. WEBSITE: http://covidmediainfo.com